2017 Reading Challenge - September 30 update

Hello, and welcome to my 2017 reading challenge update.

Here's the background story: last year I decided to accept Goodreads' reading challenge for the first time, and I failed. Not by much, but I still failed. So this year I decided not only to do it again but also to challenge myself even more - I want to read 110 books in 2017!

So...where am I?

Well, as of today I'm on track! Yay!

And I have already read two more books, for which I still need to write and post reviews!

Here's a sneak peek of all the books I've read so far (you can find the reviews for all of them searching by author at the bottom of the side bar or going to the book reviews page). 

Here's to three more months filled with books. And if you want to find me on Goodreads, I'm here.

Have a wonderful weekend!

the book worm, book blog
